Friday, December 11, 2009


I always have this tendency to look towards the sky when an Aeroplane passes by and i think, what if this plan just blew up now, right in front of my eyes, lighting up the skies in not so good manner?? well ...Thank God that hasn't yet happened. This is one of those weird things in my wishlist - watching a plane just blow up in the sky. While I was thinking of this today morning i realized that this is just one of those weird wishlist that i have. So i decided to put it down and just hope that none of them will ever come true.
1. Watching a plane blow up mid-air or a mid-air collision
2. Be in the middle of a no mans land during a war
3. Lost in a African Jungle
4. Be part of the troop battling against a Terrorist group
5. Witness a Tsunami
6. Be in a plane which is Hijacked ;)

These are just some of them, but i know i keep coming up with more of these weird wishlist or should i say Disaster wishlist every now and then and in the end pray that it never happens

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Day in the INTERNET

A Day in the Internet
Created by Online Education

Intellectually Proficient PM of India ?

While i was browsing through my various Articles which i have subscribed to, I came across this very interesting article by T.J.S George, a veteran editor.

Worth a read.



Among the Prime Ministers of India, who was the most intellectually proficient?

The temptation is to point to Jawaharlal Nehru, the Cantabrigian who conversed with Bernard Shaw andAlbert Einstein, who wrote classical books and masterpieces of English prose like the Tryst-with-destiny speech and the description of the Ganga in his last will and testament.

But, as in all human affairs, don’t glamour and charisma give an edge to Nehru’s appeal?

By the same token, doesn’t the complete absence of glamour and charisma in P.V. Narasimha Rao tend to hide his intrinsic worth? As Prime Minister PVN made himself notorious as the Mouna Muni, saying not a word when scandals rocked him and the country. His pouting lips were notorious too, but at least cartoonists loved them.

For all that, wasn’t he the finest intellectual who sat in the Prime Minister’s chair?

This is an inopportune time to bring up the subject of Narasimha Rao.

For one thing, the Gandhi dynasty’s penchant to bury non-dynasty leaders as immaterial has kept PVN in the forgotten category. Remember how his body was refused entry into the AICC headquarters, and how they turned down the family’s request for a site to bury him in the capital.

For another, Liberhan’s report on Babri Masjid demolition has revived memories of PVN’s inexcusable inaction when organised fanatics pulled down the mosque and unleashed a tidal wave of religious violence across the country.

But, inopportune or not, it has to be recognised that PVN remains in a class of his own as a thinker, writer and scholar.

His sense of humour was of the kind that only people of refined taste and erudition could have. A sample of this disarming attribute has just come to light throughMainstream weekly. In November 2003 he was to release a book on India-Pakistan by the late Nikhil Chakravartty, the most consequential editor of his generation. He was unable to do so and wrote the following explanation to Mainstream’s current editor and Nikhil’s son, Sumit:

“I am extremely sorry I cannot join you at your function on the 3rd. Because of excruciating back pain I have had to be admitted to the hospital just now. The treatment is simple: Lie on a flat bed, no one knows how long. There is no way I can move, except my moving along with my flat bed to the venue of the meeting. We are told that Lord Vishnu used to move along with his snake-bed, but I thought I would spare myself the responsibility of Godhood after what all I have already gone through as a human”.

Wit and wisdom came naturally to PVN, a master of thirteen languages who could read Greek, Latin and Sanskrit classics, impress Fidel Castro with his Spanish, speak Urdu stylishly, translate novels from Marathi to Telugu, from Telugu to Hindi, and give guest lectures in German and American universities.

He was an expert on classical military doctrines and a well-honed aficionado of music, cinema and theatre. He was the closest India got to Plato’s philosopher-king.

Look at the contrast.

Singularly unblessed men like Charan Singh and Deve Gowda have also sat in the prime ministerial chair.Ashok Gehlot’s Congress Government in Rajasthan today has a minister, Golma Devi, who could barely read her oath card and took three days to learn how to sign her appointment letter. And she is minister of state for nothing less than Home, Civil Defence and Rural Industries.

In Karnataka a wanton family that plunders the earth controls the Government. Unworthy men and women abound in Parliament. These are the realities that should make us grateful that a man like P.V.Narasimha Rao, warts and all, lived in our midst once upon a time.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Calvin & Hobbes - Well I just love the series.
The innocence, the imagination and sometimes harsh truth about life that the series brings out just makes it so much more special.
Even after hours of sinking into this amazing series, i just cant seem to get enough of it.

Some of the conversations i absolutely loved:

Calvin: "The whole first half of my life is a complete blank! What on earth did I know that someone wanted me to forget?"
Hobbes: "I seem to recall you spent most of the time burping up."

Calvin: Dad, were there dinosaurs when you were a kid?
Dad: Oh, sure, your grandfather and I used to put on our leopard skins and hunt brontosaurus for all the clan rituals.
--- Just goes to show how Watterson wanted to portray Calvin as, gullible enough to buy all the outrageous lies that his dad told for all the straight questions... :)

Hobbes: "What are you doing?"
Calvin : "Being cool."
Hobbes : "You look more like you're bored."
Calvin : "The world bores you when you're cool."

Calvin: "I'm a simple man, Hobbes."
Hobbes: "You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laser-guided heat-seeking missiles!"
Calvin: "I'm a simple man with complex tastes."
--Isn't this kid adorable ;)

These were some i could recollect right away, but the list goes on and on.

I always wonder what Calvin would be when he grows up, but who wants him to grow up anyways. Love this KID and would love to seem him as a kid. :).

I just stumbled upon a cartoon portraying a grown up Calvin :) a good one, but i am sure i would not enjoy seeing a grown up Calvin as much as I enjoy seeing the kid.

Thanks a Ton Bill Watterson for giving us Calvin and Hobbes.