Sunday, December 6, 2009


Calvin & Hobbes - Well I just love the series.
The innocence, the imagination and sometimes harsh truth about life that the series brings out just makes it so much more special.
Even after hours of sinking into this amazing series, i just cant seem to get enough of it.

Some of the conversations i absolutely loved:

Calvin: "The whole first half of my life is a complete blank! What on earth did I know that someone wanted me to forget?"
Hobbes: "I seem to recall you spent most of the time burping up."

Calvin: Dad, were there dinosaurs when you were a kid?
Dad: Oh, sure, your grandfather and I used to put on our leopard skins and hunt brontosaurus for all the clan rituals.
--- Just goes to show how Watterson wanted to portray Calvin as, gullible enough to buy all the outrageous lies that his dad told for all the straight questions... :)

Hobbes: "What are you doing?"
Calvin : "Being cool."
Hobbes : "You look more like you're bored."
Calvin : "The world bores you when you're cool."

Calvin: "I'm a simple man, Hobbes."
Hobbes: "You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laser-guided heat-seeking missiles!"
Calvin: "I'm a simple man with complex tastes."
--Isn't this kid adorable ;)

These were some i could recollect right away, but the list goes on and on.

I always wonder what Calvin would be when he grows up, but who wants him to grow up anyways. Love this KID and would love to seem him as a kid. :).

I just stumbled upon a cartoon portraying a grown up Calvin :) a good one, but i am sure i would not enjoy seeing a grown up Calvin as much as I enjoy seeing the kid.

Thanks a Ton Bill Watterson for giving us Calvin and Hobbes.

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